


Litigators across our Firm have represented clients before all types of trial, appellate, regulatory and alternative dispute resolution tribunals in Poland and Germany. 

The proceedings before the court are subject to their own rules. The success of legal proceedings depends crucially on the procedural action. These rules have to be already considered prior to the court proceedings. They apply until the enforcement of a judgment and - in the case of subsequent procedures – besides it.

In the legal proceedings with international aspects, the communication with clients is of particular importance. Our experience and legal training in Germany help us to enforce the common litigation. The explanation of the rules of the Polish German and international proceedings is usually just the beginning of the cooperation with uur clients. 


We measure the success of our service to our clients by the extent to which outcomes meet our clients’ goals.

An important factor in this is whether the cost of the processes we use is proportionate to the benefit obtained by our clients. Recent successes on behalf of our clients demonstrate this – we have settled claims on behalf of our clients both before and after the start of legal proceedings, obtaining significant compensation for breaches of contract and tortuous duties, and, importantly, securing recovery of our clients’ legal costs, limiting the cost of securing their legal rights. In cases where our clients have been subject of claims, we have reduced their exposure by careful case management.  



